E-Collar Technologies Inc. is a Group of Experienced Remote Dog Training Professionals.
Top Dog, Greg Van Curen was the co-founder and President of Innotek, Inc. in the 90’s, his insight into the e-collar business has brought many innovations over the years. Kim Westrick, Innotek’s and E-Collar’s first employee is leading up the sales and customer service side of the business.
Proudly Assembled in the USA

Innovating Your Dog’s Experience
The term “shock collars” for some, has a negative connotation. Many people incorrectly assume that shock collars cause physical harm or lasting damage to a dog as a form of punishment. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Electric collars are designed to get your dog’s attention, not as a form of punishment.
When used in combination with positive reinforcement, E-collars provide the feedback that dogs need to learn when to pay attention to the handler. E-collars do not burn or cause lasting damage to a dog. Our educational videos and guides can help to dispel some of the myths associated with dog shock collars.
Our Mission
We are driven by our mission to provide the best product at the best price using Americans workers to assemble and test our products in the original Innotek building with a long term goal of doing all our manufacturing in the USA. By purchasing from us you are helping Americans get back to work and we thank you for your business.